Valuables - Vallari
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Image Name Weight
ancient tiara 8.20
black pearl 0.20
blue gem 1.00
crystal coin 0.10
gold coin 0.10
gold nugget 0.10
green gem 1.50
holy falcon 8.40
holy scarab 5.00
life crystal 2.50
orichalcum pearl 0.30
platinum coin 0.10
red gem 0.30
scarab coin 1.00
silver brooch 1.10
small amethyst 0.10
small diamond 0.10
small emerald 0.10
small ruby 0.10
small sapphire 0.10
some golden fruits 3.00
talon 0.20
violet gem 0.30
white pearl 0.20
yellow gem 0.30
roulette coin 3.50
broken roulette coin 1.00
oldens coin 1.00
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